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078: Stu Heinecke: Using Marketing Heresy to Get the Meeting

“We should be setting the baseline for response to a contact marketing campaign to 100%.” Marketer, Wall Street Journal cartoonist, and author, Stu Heinecke shares how he commits marketing heresy by running campaigns that EXCEED 100 percent contact rates and how he uses that approach to get a meeting with ANYONE.

His new book Get the Meeting launches mid-October and can be pre-ordered today at Amazon

After you listen, let me know your most important takeaway or a-ha moment from this conversation. Email me at [email protected] or tweet to @brocedwards.

Stu Heinecke, Marketer, Cartoonist, Author
Stu Heinecke is an author, Wall Street Journal cartoonist, and hall of fame–nominated marketer. When How to Get a Meeting with Anyone debuted in 2016, it ignited an international sales and marketing movement. In the book, he coined the term “Contact Marketing,” a powerful form of outreach employing clever “contact campaigns” to create the sort of connections that can change the scale of careers, businesses, and lives. Since then, tens of thousands of sales reps, business owners, job seekers, entrepreneurs—even CEOs themselves—have used Contact Marketing to generate stunning numbers of high-level connections, meetings, and surges in revenue and investment. Heinecke is based on a beautiful island in the Pacific Northwest, where he provides agency services, consulting, mastermind coaching, training, and weekend strategy sessions to help sales teams break through to their top accounts faster and more effectively. He also hosts the How to Get a Meeting with Anyone podcast weekly on the C-Suite Radio Network, iTunes, Stitcher, and Libsyn and is the founder of, a group of prominent cartoonists from The Wall Street Journal and The New Yorker who are dedicated to using their art to help charities raise funds, while reframing single-panel cartoons as collectible art.
Get Stu’s Books (Amazon affiliate links):

How to Get a Meeting with Anyone: The Untapped Selling Power of Contact Marketing 


Connect with Stu:


LinkedIn: Stu Heinecke
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Photo credit: Fox & Florals Media
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